Sale Announcement | Cheaper Paperbacks Available

Paperbacks are expensive. Digital copies are always the cheaper option (in most cases). But I love paperbacks. I love the feel of paper, I love having shelves of books to admire, and I’m just generally a book dragon.

This includes my own books.

As an indie author, I have to create and publish all of my books myself, which has led to a bit of a test, misprint, and old edition hoard of my books. I wanted to keep them for memories, but it feels a bit sad that these books are just sitting there, never to be read.

These are all perfectly legible books. The only issues are the outer shells. They may not be the most aesthetically pleasing, but they can be read, and since they are a bit wonky, the prices range from $3.99 – $5.99 per book. I’ll also be throwing in a signed bookplate and a fun little bookmark.

If you decide to check them out, thank you. Regardless of whether you do or not, thank you. Have a happy new year!

Check out what misprints are available here!

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