Four hundred and two printed pages and an additional chapter later, the edits for Marry Me, Prince! are done. Now what?

I’m still transposing the edits into the digital file, but I anticipate that will be done within the coming days. After that, print designs will begin, and digital ARCs will be posted.
We’re in the final stages of this novel, and soon, it will be out in the world for you all to read and enjoy. I appreciate all of your time and patience. I hope the wait will be worth it.
When all is said and done, I’ll be back to working on my novella, My Lover’s Necktie. After that, we’ll finally return to my favorite world I’ve written. The Dominate Me series sequel series will be next on the docket, and I can’t wait to introduce you to all the new characters.
I hope you’re all as excited as I am.